The Photographer’s Gallery
Artist-run gallery dedicated to conceptual and political photography and photomedia. Gallery program with monthly newsletter, subscribers, events, fundraisers and functions with DJ Johnny Griffin, Belltower Design and many others.
John Hawker: “The Photographers Gallery was an Artist coop run space. Gallery with studio and darkroom. School program, about thirty work experience kids a year. We ran a Queensland wide school competition sponsored by an insurance company. That became a touring exhibition. Carl Warner, Ray Cook had their first exhibitions. Monthly newsletter, which is in national archives. NZ photographers Ray Smith, Fashion with photography, Lyn Hadley. Paul Arrowsmith, Andrew Campbell. House parties for fund raising, Tim Gruchy, Johnny Griffin and the Belltower crew.”
Directors: John Hawker & Ray Cook
Artists Including: John Hawker, Ray Cook, Carl Warner, Andrea Higgins, John Bortolini, Ross T Smith, Andrew Campbell, Tim Gruchy and many others.
1989-1992 (circa)
Initially located in the Brisbane Arcade in 1989 and in 1990 on the 2nd floor, 187 George Street, next to the Treasury Hotel.
Artist-run dedicated to contemporary photography, installation and photomedia
See also earlier photography dedicated artist-runs – Imagery Gallery which began in 1980-1995 and The Observatory in 1985-1986.