Art Walk
Art Walk – self-published art magazine
1982 – 1983 ART WALK Magazine
Art Walk Magazine was initiated by Brian Doherty, Russell Lake and Jeanelle Hurst in late 1982 as a collaborative strategy to produce a ‘local’ arts / culture magazine. The planning and production of the magazine was undertaken at Gallery Office Exhibit, a small short term space (1st Dec 82 – 25th Feb 83) located at 66 Turbot St.
Art Walk Magazine was launched on the 18th Dec 82 in the car park at Red Comb House. Three issues of Art Walk Magazine were published between Dec 82 and Apr 83 with a fourth issue drafted in June 83 as a photocopy only mag. Brian and Jeanelle staged a popup exhibition at Gallery Office Exhibit titled “Paint & Garbage Relief” in late Dec 82.
Contributors & Acknowledgments:
Adam Boyd, Barbara Campbell, Brendan Lloyd, Brian Doherty, Diane Heenan, Felicity Lawrence, Hollie Charlton, Jeanelle Hurst, Jo Forsyth, Judy Dunne, Kate Collins, Peter Lewis, Peter Anderson, Russell Lake, Ruth Propsting, Phillip Sticklen, Michelle Andringa, Jenni Bird, Frank Murray, Ted Riggs, John Stanwell, Gil Swensen, Hugh Watson, Tim Worth, Open Studio, Nancy Underhill, UQ Fine Arts Department, Lorenzo Boccabella, Ian Smith, Lee Mylrea, Heather Killen, Debra Beattie, Patricia O’Connor, Hardened Arteries, Clare McKenna, Gary Warner, Thomas Vale-Slattery, Adam Wolter, Matt Mawson, Anthony Becker, Katharine Morgan, Hugo Klang & Trans World Death Corporation, Cavellini, Kathy Phillips, Damien Ledwich, R.P. Sting, F.A. Gohyamug and Judee Helix.
Brisbane based
Brisbane based art magazine
To read more about Art Walk magazine: