Deborah LONG BIO Art Practice Keywords: Artist, Design, Fashion Design, Collaboration, Artist Role Keywords: Artist, Designer, Fashion Designer Collaboration/ Collaborator names Keywords: 2D Design [with Deborah FENWICK] Collections Various Private Collections CV RELATED LINKS (Re)Presenting 2022 | AXIS FILE | ART ZINES AS NETWORKING TOOL & COMMUNITY ARCHIVE | AXIS*ART*PROJECTS* | Art eXtremists International Syndicate (AXIS) | Does New York Exist? + AXIS-FILE Sites of Dis-Closure 1987-1989 [Art Zine]on 03 May 2022, in ARI Remix, Articles, OPEN(Re)Presenting 2022 | AXIS FILE | ART ZINES AS NETWORKING TOOL & COMMUNITY ARCHIVE | AXIS*ART*PROJECTS* | Art eXtremists International Syndicate (AXIS) | Does New York Exist? + AXIS-FILE Sites of Dis-Closure 1987-1989 [Art Zine]on 03 May 2022, in ARI Remix, Articles, OPEN2 D DESIGNon 17 September 2015, in ARIs, QLD, QLD 1980-19902 D DESIGNon 17 September 2015, in ARIs, QLD, QLD 1980-1990AXIS*ART*PROJECTS* – Art eXtremists International Syndicate (AXIS) Does New York Exist? + AXIS-FILE Sites of Dis-Closure 1987-1989 ( social memory draft in progress )on 27 February 2019, in OPENAXIS*ART*PROJECTS* – Art eXtremists International Syndicate (AXIS) Does New York Exist? + AXIS-FILE Sites of Dis-Closure 1987-1989 ( social memory draft in progress )on 27 February 2019, in OPENInterview with Deborah FISHERon 27 November 2015, in The Ephemera InterviewsInterview with Deborah FISHERon 27 November 2015, in The Ephemera InterviewsDeborah FENWICKon 28 September 2015, in ArtistsDeborah FENWICKon 28 September 2015, in ArtistsInterview with Malcolm ENRIGHTon 27 November 2015, in The Ephemera InterviewsInterview with Malcolm ENRIGHTon 27 November 2015, in The Ephemera Interviews RELATED ARCHIVAL RESOURCES 2d Designon 17 September 2015, 2d Designon 17 September 2015, Tags: 2d DesignCollaborationDeborah FENWICKDeborah LONGDesignFashion DesignJoanna Greenwood