Paul Andrew is a queer media artist [interdisciplinary], researcher, community facilitator, and curator with experience in using remix, bricolage, collage, assemblage, and narrative techniques for making assemblage-like archival art initiatives. These are often media-based, produced in diverse, varied, and variable cultural forms. “Little stories” , as localised narratives, are a recurring theme in their creative practice. They have been practicing and exhibiting professionally since 1984. Paul has actively participated in queer media spaces and artist-run culture throughout the 1980 to Now period in local, nationwide and international settings including: Artworker’s Union Queensland, Queensland Artworker’s Alliance (QAA), F. Art (Art Zine), That Contemporary Art Space, That Annexe, Axis Art Projects AU/USA (Art Xtremists International Syndicate), 2B: The Garage USA, [Bureau] Artspace, Breathing Concrete, Bitumen River Gallery, TAG (Tropical Artists Guild), First Draft, Sydney Super 8 Filmmakers, Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN), Queer TV, Metro Screen, DLux Media Arts, Epicormia Collective (Arts and Disability ARI), The Soylent Spot ARI, Next Door ARI, Tripla ARI/IT, OUTERSPACE, and CUT BAIT ARI. Building on long-standing experience with a DIY, participatory, and pluralizing ethos expressed inside these communities, Paul’s current digitally-driven memory work is an online community archives project accessed here: ARI Remix: Their current QUT doctoral work titled ” Artists as A(na)rchivists: Unpacking Brisbane Artist-Run Initiatives and the Archive” (2025) considers the potential for ARI ecologies, DIY zines, ‘little stories’, and social media networking in the archival body.
2015 Archives Copy
Paul Andrew is an artist, writer, researcher and curator working in interdisciplinary ways and has been practicing and exhibiting professionally since 1984. The artist lives in the Southern Moreton Bay Islands region of Southeast Queensland. He has been an ac tive participant in Queensland/Australian artist groupings since 1977.
Paul lives and works with arts and diffability and his current social practice interests include expanded photographic practice, queer archival practice and DIY zine making as types of community archives [memory zines].
For the purposes of the ARI Remix Project it was in Brisbane during the 1980s when he was an active participant, cofounder and DIY coordinator of several artist-run spaces and artist-led projects and promoted implementation, access to and discovery of independent and artist-run collaborations. Working with others he fostered an active visual arts exchange program in artist-runs and galleries in Brisbane, in regional Queensland, interstate and overseas.
Artist-runs he/they participated in throughout the 1980s included Artworker’s Union Queensland (1984-1986), Queensland Artworker’s Alliance (QAA) (1986-1991), F. Art (1985-1986), That Contemporary Art Space (1984-1988) , That Annexe (1986-1988) , Axis Art Projects (Art eXtremists International Syndicate) (1987-1989), [Bureau] Artspace (1988-1989), Breathing Concrete (1987) , Bitumen River Gallery (1986-1987).
During this time in Brisbane and throughout the 1990s his attention was focused on advocating artist agency and contesting ‘the mainstream’ and he worked passionately as an UQ art history student, curator, artist, arts writer, arts administrator, queer activist, filmmaker and community narrowcaster (with Queer TV and CAT-TV) at Channel UHF 31 in Sydney. He was involved as a video artist and curator with First Draft, SIN (Sydney Intermedia Network) and Metro TV. In 1989 he began work as an assistant curator at the Australian Centre for Photography until 1992.
Paul Andrew is currently founding artist, DIY coordinator and artist facilitator of memory work inside the ‘ARI Remix Living Archives & Social Memory Project (2011- 2028)’ and expanded internet art work as ‘living archives’ funded by the Australia Council now Creative Australia (Project One Stages One & Two, Project Two Stage One), Arts Queensland ( Project One Stages Ine ,Two and Three, and recently with Project Two Stage One and a Redland RADF (Project Two artist residency planned for late 2024).
Recently he was artist researcher, curator and project coordinator of the Epicormia Collective – The Re-authoring Impulse project (2014-2017) a social media based and museum quality group exhibition which included six artists living and working with diffability in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia funded by Create NSW.
In 2017 he enrolled as a doctoral research candidate in Creative Industries at the Queensland University of Technology in the School of Creative Practice. His key research interest is a practice-led research project scoping potential for current digital archiving practices of Brisbane ARIs operating in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The working title of the research is : Artists as “A(na)rchivists: Unpacking Brisbane’s Artist-Run Initiatives and the Archive”.
This doctoral research activity is due for completion in 2024 and considers the value of a community archives and community-based archiving approach for artist-led organisations in Queensland/Australia. The research has wider potential for communities if interest.
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Collaboration/ Collaborator names Keywords:
Northside Creative Artists Association, Ferny Hills Oil Painting Group led by artist Audrea Kelk, Brisbane School of Art on Gregory Terrace Spring Hill, Mitchelton High School Magazine and Debating Committee, Kelvin Grove State High Cultural Activities Group, Mervyn Moriarity School of Art Enoggera Terrace Red Hill.
Artist-runs including Artworker’s Union Qld, Queensland Artworker’s Alliance [QAA], That Contemporary Art Space, AXIS Art Projects, Bureau Art Space, Breathing Concrete.
Queer TV, UHF CHannel 31, Sydney Intermedia Network, First Draft ARI
Dlux, The ALSO Foundation, Unmagazine, The Epicormia Collective among others
Various Collections, including, University of Queensland Art Museum, The Australian Centre for Moving Image, Melbourne, Griffith University Art Museum Collection, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
CV [Select]
Paul William ANDREW (Queer Activist / Artist Researcher / Interdisciplinary Artist) Born 1964 Brisbane Meeanjin, Lives and works with arts and diffability in the inner regional area of Canaipa on Quandamooka country.
Queer Transmedia Profile:
e: info[at]
Paul Andrew is a queer artist researcher, senior media artist, video artist, zinester and artist curator with experience in social practice, site-generated ephemeral practice, creative archival assemblage and media art making using remix, bricolage and collage techniques. Drawing on a current doctoral research project [QUT Creative Industries] is increased practitioner interest in community-based approaches, scavenger methodologies, queer time, ARI temporalities and creative archival assemblage. These concepts and techniques are employed for making archival art initiatives in diverse varied and variable cultural forms. The artist has been practicing and exhibiting professionally since 1984.
Paul has actively participated in artist-run communities of practice throughout the 1978 to Now period including: The Northside Creative Artist’s Association (Qld), Mervyn Moriarty School of Art, Brisbane School of Art (Qld), Artworker’s Union Queensland, Queensland Artworker’s Alliance (QAA), F. Art (Art Zine), That Contemporary Art Space, That Annexe, Axis Art Projects AU/USA (Art eXtremists International Syndicate), 2B: The Garage USA, [Bureau] Artspace, Breathing Concrete, Bitumen River Gallery, TAG (Tropical Artists Guild), First Draft, Sydney Super 8 Filmmakers, Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN), Queer TV, Metro Screen, DLux Media Arts, Epicormia Collective ‘The Reauthoring Impulse”, The Soylent Spot ARI, Next Door ARI, Tripla ARI/IT, Circadian Visions/AU. Since the 1970s the artist has continued to make queer conceptual film performances and art actions with family, friends, lovers, colleagues and strangers, often in an experimental Super 8mm film to HD video cultural form. Alongside their ongoing living archives internet artwork they are currently working on a reflective series of conceptual video art work installations titled: Life Writing 1964 to Now.
2017-2024 | Doctorate of Creative Industries, School of Creative Practice & Social Justice, QUT, Brisbane/AU [current]
2007-2010 | Master of Arts, Creative Writing & Media, RMIT, Melbourne/AU
1985-1988 | Bachelor of Arts, Art History, University of Queensland, Brisbane/AU
1981-1984 | Bachelor of Law, QUT, Brisbane/AU (incomplete)
2023 | ARI REMIX & FRIENDS, Brisbane Writer’s Festival Zine Market, Whale Mall, Southbank, Brisbane Meeanjin / AU
2023 | BVAA & FRIENDS, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane Meeanjin/ AU
2022 | Papillon [Butterfly] (Video Art), Circadian Visions, Ngudooroo Lamb Island/ AU
2022 | Adjusting Margins, Enter Outer Space, Outer Space, Brisbane Meeanjin/ AU
2022 | ARI Remix + EXTRA Zine, Courtyard Zine Fair, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane Meeanjin/ AU
2022 | ARI Remix + EXTRA Zine, National Gallery of Victoria NGV Melbourne Art Book Fair 2022, Melbourne/AU
2022 | ARI Remix + EXTRA Zine, Brisbane Writers Festival, Zine Market Brisbane Meeanjin/AU
2021 | EXTRA Zine Issue # 2 BACKYARD: ZINE FAIR, Next Door ARI, Brisbane/AU
2021 | EXTRA Zine Issue # 1 Launch (Virtual) National Gallery of Victoria NGV Melbourne Art Book Fair 2021, Melbourne/AU
2018 – 2020 | Studio Artist (Queer Digital Art + Ecology) Whistling Kite Artist Studio, Canaipa Russell Island/ AU
2011 – 2021 | ‘ARI Remix Living Archives & Social Memory Project, A Queensland Remix 1970 to NOW’ – Stages One and Two 2015 -2019 Funded by Arts Queensland & Australia Council and Stage Three 2021-2021. Funded by Arts Queensland], Current ARI Remix + EXTRA Zine Project Two funded by Arts Queensland and Australia Council 2022 -2024.
Brisbane / AU –, and,,
2014 – 2017 | Artist Researcher, Curator, Project Co-ordinator, Epicormia Collective | ‘The Re-authoring Impulse’, NRCG, Northern Rivers, Ballina /AU | Arts & Disability, Funded by Create NSW and Accessible Arts, NSW
2022 | When I Dream of You, I Wet Dream in Collage [1991-2022], (forthcoming in 2023).
2022 | Papillon [Butterfly], Circadian Visions, Ngudooroo/AU
2018 | AXIS Wunderkammer # 2, Nature Strip, Soylent Spot ARI, Brisbane/AU
2016 | Strange Vignettes, Epicormia Collective, Northern Rivers Community Gallery, Ballina/AU
1998 | The Man in the Irony Mask, archived at Australian Centre for Moving Image [ACMI]–paul-andrew
1994-1995 | Engaged, Don’t Leave Me This Way: Art in Age of AIDS, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 12 November 1994 – 5 March 1995, Canberra/AU1994 | Engaged 1994, archived at Scanlines
Since 1994 the artists’ video art works have been included in many international exhibitions and festivals including the First and Second International Festival of HIV/AIDs Films, Paris/FR [1994, 1995 and the European touring exhibition in 1995].
2021 | Online Attendee ‘Archives Amplified’, Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) National Conference, Brisbane/AU
2017 | Attendee, ‘Art as Archive, Archive as Art & The Imagined Archive’, Monash Centre CIRN and Informatics Conference 2017 | Monash University, Prato / IT – Funded in part by the Australia Council
2016 | Attendee, ‘THE WORK OF ART 2016’, AAANZ Conference, Canberra/AU
2017 | ‘Risky Business: Performing the ARI Remix Living Archives’, ‘Art as Archive: Archive as Art & The Imagined Archive’, Prato Conference 2017, 25-27 October, Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy
2001 | ‘The Elders Project’, Queer Elders: long lives, well-lived; Funded by the ALSO Foundation and the City of Port Phillip and presented at the 2001 Australian Homosexual Histories Conference [ALGA], University of Melbourne, Melbourne/AU
1998 |‘The Man in the Irony Mask’ (Video Art/ Documentary), Funded by FTO NSW and Metro Screen, A Portrait of HIV AIDS activist and performance artist Brenton Heath-Kerr/ Sydney/AU
1995 | ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way: Art in Age of AIDS’, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 12 November 1994 – 5 March 1995/ Canberra/AU
NAVA, Arts Law Centre of Australia, Oral History Association of Australia (Qld), Oral History Association (NSW), Australian Society of Archivists.
Since 1976 Paul has been actively engaged in social justice, cultural justice, community service, activism and volunteerism including the RSPCA, The Australian Conservation Fund (Qld), Home Care (Qld), Veterans Affairs (Qld), Rainforest Remediation (Qld and NSW), Qld/NSW/ International ARIs, Qld Artworker’s Alliance [QAA], Qld AIDS Council, 4ZZZ Public Radio, Queer TV (NSW UHF Channel 31), LGTB Mardi Gras (NSW), AIDS Council of NSW, Red Cross, 40 Hour Famine, Melbourne Pride March, The ALSO Foundation, Yooralla (Vic), Triple “0” (Vic), Deaf Children Australia (Vic), Regional Land Care (NSW, Vic, Qld), Melbourne IVF (Vic), Dlux Media Arts (NSW), Melbourne Queer Film Festival (Vic), The Corner Dance Lab (NSW), Remembering and Healing: Peace and Non-Violence, Lismore (NSW), SMBI Bay Islands Conservation Inc. (Qld)
Anderson, P. (2015). Marginal notes: Towards a history of an artist-run scene Brisbane, the 1980s. Eyeline, 82, 59-65.
Anderson, P. (2016). Ephemeral Traces: Brisbane’s artist-‐run scene in the 1980s. Brisbane: The University of Queensland Art Museum.
Jackson, B. (2017). Brisbane’s artist-run scene in the 1980s. Eyeline, 86, 74.
McLeish, A. (2022). Artist-run initiatives and community: A practice-led examination of how artist-based communities are formed and understood in contemporary Australian art (Doctoral dissertation, Queensland University of Technology).
Rollman, L. (2018). Curating the city: Unpacking contemporary art production and spatial politics in Brisbane (Doctoral dissertation, Queensland University of Technology).
Willsteed, J., Andrew, P., Doherty, B., & Richens, J. (2016). Where the action isn’t, that’s where it is.
Paul Andrew has art work held in diverse public and private art collections including: University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane / AU, Australian Centre for Moving Image [ACMI] Melbourne / AU, Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane / AU, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra / AU.
ARTS BLOG 2006-2015
Artist Website [under construction]: