Countess.Report Publications
GUIDELINES → FOR INSTITUTIONS, GALLERIES AND CURATORS WORKING WITH TRANS, NON-BINARY AND GENDER DIVERSE ARTISTS Compiled by artists Spence Messih & Archie Barry, copy-edited by Bobuq Sayed and proofread by EO Gill. This resource, in its first iteration, has been financially assisted by Countess and NAVA. ︎︎︎PDF
2019 Countess Report edited by Amy Prcevich ︎︎︎PDF
2016 Countess Report edited by Elvis Richardson ︎︎︎PDF
Renée B Adams, Roman Kräussl, Marco Navone, Patrick Verwijmeren, Gendered Prices, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 34, Issue 8, 2021
︎︎︎See also Adams et al, Is Gender in the Eye of the Beholder? Identifying Cultural Attitudes with Art Auction Prices, 2017
Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein, Data Feminism, 2020
Julia Halperin & Charlotte Burns, “Special Report: Women’s Place in the Art World,” ArtNet, 2019
︎︎︎See also: “Artist Adrian Piper Responds to Our Special ‘Women’s Place in the Art World’ Report”, 2019
Julia Halperin & Charlotte Burns, “The Burns Halperin Report”, ArtNet Dec 2022
Get The Facts, National Museum of Women’s Art, Ongoing
Helen Molesworth, The Numbers: Death of an Artist [podcast episode], 2022
David Throsby, Sunny Y. Shin, “Why is the gender pay gap in the arts so large? Widespread discrimination is the most likely cause,” The Conversation, 2020
David Throsby, Katya Petetskaya, Sunny Y. Shin,“The Gender pay gap among Australian artists: some preliminary findings”, 2020
David Throsby, Katya Petetskaya, “Integrating art production and economic development in the Central Desert (NT) and the APY Lands (SA): National survey of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists”, 2019
David Throsby and Katya Petetskaya, Making Art Work: An Economic Study of Professional Artists in Australia (Sydney: Australia Council for the Arts, 2017), referred to henceforward as Making Art Work 2017.