Cultural Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the ARI Remix Project contains images, voices or names of deceased persons in websites, photographs, film, audio recordings or printed materials.

EXTRA Zine Issue # 3 | Online Launch | November 2021 | Radical Gestures | Remembering Peter Anderson | [ A Movember Remix ] | B.14 November 1958 – D. 30 October 2020 [ A Movember Remix ]
ephemeral traces_2016_documentation ephemeral traces_2016_documentation


EXTRA is an Australian networked zine collaboration building from past, present and future ‘living’ archival art initiatives Issue # 3 Launch Nov. This emerging projects builds out from the ARI Remix Project and places an emphasis on the personal archives of artists directly involved in the Australian artist-run ecology 1940 to Now.

EXTRA Zine Issue # 3 | You can download, print and fold your own copy FREE here, and check out our EXTRA Zine Instagram for video instructions on how to fold!

F. Art 1985 Art Zine, Artist Book “Paper Gallery” collaboration [Issue #1 of three issues] detail pictured semaphore drawing by artist poet Peter Anderson, 1985. Courtesy That Archives and artists’ ephemera collection


Zines can be used by artists as a tool for making ‘action heritage’ ( Johnston & Marwood, 2017) and ‘cultural justice’ ( Cantillon, Baker & Nowak, 2021) . With these key ideas in mind we are making a new participatory archival art initiative in an art zine cultural form. Building out from the ARI Remix Project, and collaborative memory work to re-present previously ‘inaccessible’ personal archives, hidden histories and marginalised narratives of Australian artist-run culture and heritage.

My long-time friend and collaborator Peter Anderson wrote me a reply email on Thursday 3 July 2014 with the subject heading “artist status”, we had been chatting fervently about Peter’s ongoing and largely unrecognized work as an artist and poet, about artist self-publishing, art zines and artist books more broadly, made collectively and intersectionally in Brisbane in the 1980s . He was writing back to me after a long illness experiencing immense pain and discomfort:

“ Paul you mention the semaphore drawing I made for F/Art, the art zine series you were making in 1985 … in the current context that work now sits as a ‘video script’ for work by Paul Allen … a video that I may yet make with Ben next year on Gabo Island. It sits with a couple of other pieces (almost a ‘poem’, attached) and this ‘postcard’ note: Last weekend went down to Opossum Bay with Ms X and her young son. On a windy rise made a rough version of the Semaphore video linked to the drawing sequence I sent you last month. It looks pretty good, but perhaps would have been a bit more ‘atmospheric’ if I’d managed to get the kid into something that looked a bit more like a uniform. Might try it again with more attention to detail before I consider exhibiting it. Thanks for the catalogue, pity about the quality of the images. Best … PA.


All very cryptic, yes. Just like the ‘instruction works’ from Artwalk magazine … but it all begins to accumulate, and in the end starts to look like the traces of an art practice … which is what the exhibition CV also does (with more to rediscover) … including ‘Anti-music’ tapes which I produced with Ted Riggs in 1980, and other small ‘projects’ that barely register, but slowly add up to ‘something’ that might look like the bones of an ‘art practice’ at the edges of another practice. Some things will be brought across from ‘non-art’ to ‘art’ status … by assertion (and via the development of artists’ books that bring the text into a different relationship with the art institution).  Reading on Broodthaers has been very productive … so much so that I may make an ‘art’ edition of my earlier book of poetry (‘Pretending to be Salvador Dali’ Makar 1979). Looking back now I can see where I might have gone with this if I’d had the wit and intelligence to see what I was doing … but I really hadn’t got enough of a grip on the way it might have been able to work across the art / poetry divide (the problem of working in isolation in Brisbane, I think).


Paul Allen lets me do lots of rethinking … of Peter Anderson! And the PA helps me a lot …”

Peter and I among many other artists were doing a lot of rethinking and reimagining in those five intensive years leading up to the Ephemeral Traces exhibition staged at the UQ Art Museum in Brisbane in 2016 and intersecting memory work for the ARI Remix Project as it was slowly expanding.  Artist participation, action heritage and cultural justice were important themes we were both keen on, and men’s health ‘mid-life’ during all this intensiveness was also a topic for much discussion. In November 2021, a year on after Peter’s death, the fabulous memories of friendship, well, they keep popping up. I remembered Peter’s emails, and that he was feeling keen to make an ‘art’ edition of Pretending to be Salvador Dali, he published with Makar Press in Brisbane and so, while this is by no means anything like the ‘art’ edition that Peter was re- imagining, this issue of Extra #3 is a nod in that direction.


Peter Anderson among many others were part of a groundswell of young voices and the keenly interested in Brisbane in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s in the increased potential for the modern anthology format to promote the literary practices of emergent contemporary poetry in Australia. These anthologies, like Makar and the Gargoyle series aimed to access, identify and define this new poetry work in relation to the long-established modernist literary order and a need to give historical legitimacy to new and emerging works. This art zine presents some of the hidden and marginalised poetry and thinking that Peter wrote and kindly shared with me during the past decade ….


Best wishes for Movember 2021 dear readers, remember to start a deep conversation about your health with a much loved and trusted friend and/or expert health professional…


Paul Andrew







Read more:

Cantillon, Z., Baker, S., & Nowak, R. (2021). A cultural justice approach to popular music heritage in deindustrialising cities. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 27(1), 73-89.

Berryman, J. (2016). Breaking fresh ground: New Impulses in Australian Poetry, an anthology. Queensland Review, 23(2), 246-257.

Johnston, R., & Marwood, K. (2017). Action heritage: Research, communities, social justice. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 23(9), 816-831.

Radford, K. (2011). Antigone Kefala: alien poet. Fryer folios, 6(1), 7-9.

EXTRA ZINE Issue # 3 will be launched online here in November 2021 as a part of the ongoing and expanded memory work of the ARI Remix Living Archives & Social Memory Project. ARI Remix was established in 2011 to enable a diversity of intersectional cultural forms.

EXTRA is a new archival art initiative in the form of an Australian networked zine and zine making [with Posters] collaboration. Building out from past, present and future ‘living’ archival initiatives, fanzines and participatory practices this new project celebrates contemporary networks of independent, grassroots DIY. From the artist-run to Queer, from LGBTQIA+, BIPOC to the  community-led, this new zine collaboration aims to be fun, open-ended and ongoing…



A wee reminder that In celebration of the launch of EXTRA zine making project in 2021 and 2022 and the very first issue, we are making a small edition of 10″ x 8″ (21 x 28 cm) print posters of the Issue 1 # cover art work on beautiful archival museum – quality hand-made Hahnemuehle Photo Rag 188 paper.

Extra #1 Zine Poster Edition. These are available as part of the Melbourne Art Book Fair 2021 experience for zine and poster lovers everywhere for $75.00 per poster including postage (Only within Australia, International is extra please get in touch for purchase, if you are outside Australia.)

A certificate of authentication will be provided and the edition is limited to 100. Proceeds from sales of this edition will help us to make, share and network the next few issues planned in the series.