OPEN CALL OUT EOIs 5pm Friday April 12, 2019 – SOCIAL MEMORY CONTRIBUTIONS – ARI REMIX PROJECT 2019 -2021 – Australian ARIs, Collective Memories and Longer-Term Preservation Potential: 1980 to Now TBA Dec 2019 – July 2021
CALL OUT FOR SOCIAL MEMORY CONTRIBUTIONS ARTIST PARTICIPANTS – Australian ARIs, Collective Memories and Longer-Term Preservation Potential: 1980 to Now TBA Dec 2019 – July 2021
We are planning the final stage of ARI Remix Project One now and are looking for 16 artist participants actively engaged in operating Brisbane and or Queensland artist-run groups, collectives, spaces or initiatives during the 1970 to Now period.
This is a lo-fi grass roots archival retrieval and recovery project and is made entirely possible by a coalition of Queensland artists. Contributions are voluntary, and if funding is successful we will have artist fees for a limited number of artist participants. If you are interested please email us your expression of interest and one digital copy of an archival ARI image by no later than Friday 12 April 2019 to – info(at)
Participation is simple:
Include: A short email expressing your interest to participate and contribute during Project One Stage Three and why you believe putting Australian ARI heritage on the record matters.
A short list of ARIs you have directly participated in with dates, places and short description.
A short list of the relevant ARI ephemera and resources are you would like to share that are currently in your artist archives.
An overview of the Social Memory Account you would actually like to write about. It will be for a memory account of up to 2500 words ( word document and micro memoir in style) written by you the artist in your own words
Digital Copies of your ARI ephemera to richly illustrate the post. ( 1200 pixels TIF files all images to be captioned with title, date, artist, event etc ) and up to ten images
A current CV
A Headshot Photo ( TIF file 1200pixels)
Please Note : Australian ARIs are an expanded field of social practice today and we support an expanded view of ARI historiography.
A few recent social memory accounts for your reading pleasure: