Cultural Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the ARI Remix Project contains images, voices or names of deceased persons in websites, photographs, film, audio recordings or printed materials.

(Re) Presenting 2020 | An Apocalyptic Pin-Up | A Soylent Spot Slide Night + DIY Zine [by artist Erika Scott and a cast of Brisbane ARI artist colleagues] | May 2020 ( a collective memory work in progress now )

“I’d just like to thank everyone here from the bottom of my Soylent heart. “





I’d just like to thank everyone here from the bottom of my Soylent heart. To those who turned up, said yes, or have participated here in any capacity. I’m indebted to all the artists pictured, their generosity and enthusiasm to hang around, talk, share knowledge and plan along with me, and especially to those who dipped their toes in even though we hadn’t previously met.


I just hope that there’s been something in it for everyone, as I’ve learned a hell of a lot. I’m also thankful to a group of photographers who expertly stalked my events and gave their perspectives, whose talents made this shiny apocalyptic pinup possible (thank you: Marc Pricop, Louis Lim, Julia Scott-Green, Charlie Hillhouse and Cian Sanders).


This post doesn’t come at the end of anything…I’m still scheming, planning, making and living here. The post for me does comes at an interesting juncture in time, as events and situations unfold at a point very close to the year the film ‘Soylent Green’ was set (2022!) I don’t heavily invest or make predictions about the future so much. It’s just interesting to speculate on moments in time and how certain systems arrive at a tipping point.


I feel like The Soylent Spot operates on the ‘edge’ of a lot of things: funding, time, rooftops, relationships, situations, expectations etc, but at the same time I feel like there’s a lot that’s grounding, sustainable and age-old here too.


And, to all the contributing artists pictured, Thank you too!!:


Rachael Haynes

Brooke Ferguson

Susan Hawkins

Judy-Ann Moule

Christopher Cipollone

Sarah Poulgrain

Julie Pitts

Lu Forsberg

Paul Andrew

Sandra Selig

Paul Wrigley

Rhiannon Dionysius

Paul Bai

Archie Moore

Hermann Schraut

Walter Stahl

Rebecca Ross

Callum Galletly

Necho Brocchi

Jeanelle Hurst

Gareth Donnelly

Tiana Jefferies


and to all the soylent staples who provided wisdom for the post, Thankyou too!!:


Kim Machan

Angela Goddard

David M Thomas

Tim Riley Walsh

David Pestorius

Stephen Russell

Louise Bennett

Jordan Azcune

Courtney Coombs

Myriam Raymond

Louise Rollman




Erika Scott, Interdisciplinary artist and Director, Soylent Spot ARI


Soylent Spot Archives – Zine Image Captions

  1. Background: ‘Eviction Party’ Exhibition by The Soylent Spot @ Metro Arts. Centre: Soylent Green Film Still
  2. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre: Brooke Ferguson ‘Dicking Around Playing Along’
  3. Collage: Top/left: Julie Pitts ‘Lament’, Bottom/Left: Paul Andrew Collaboration, Centre (Handshake): Brooke Ferguson ‘Make Room!’
  4. Background/Top: Soylent Green Film still, Background/Bottom: Paul Bai ‘On Top Of The World’
  5. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre: Christopher Cipollone ‘Prescriptive Phallic work’
  6. Background: Judy-Ann Moule ‘Not Declared’, Top/Left: Rachael Haynes ‘ Pillar to Post’ & below: Rebecca Ross ‘Infinity’.
  7. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre: Location Shot @ ‘Here We Are’, Right: Social Shot feat. work by Erika Scott and Sandra Selig.
  8. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Top/Left: Julie Pitts, Centre: Nicholete Brocchi, Bottom: Paul Bai/Archie Moore collaboration.
  9. Background: Social Shot @ ‘A Quarter To Half Past’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still.
  10. Background: Soylent Green Film Still and detail from Individual Medley (2015), Centre: Paul Andrew ‘Contagion Wunderkammer feat. Axis Art Projects – BNE – NYC – 1988-2017 – Memento Vivere #1 (East Village People Remix)’
  11. Background: The Soylent Spot featuring: Dr. Dr. Walter, Dept of Metaphorical Geology and Esoteric Ecology, Croqland Research Institute, holding the 2019 H.P. Lovecraft lecture on the occasion of the Psycho-Topographical map of Croqland – project being opened up to the scientist citizenry present, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still
  12. Background/Left: Soylent Green Film Still, Background/Right: Erika Scott ‘Light Dispenser no.8 (Pleasure Apocalypse)’
  13. Background: Soylent Green Film Still and Social Shot @ ‘A Quarter To Half Past’, Centre: Christopher Cipollone ‘Erika Is My Gallerist’
  14. Background/Left: Soylent Green Film Still, Background/Right: Rachael Haynes ‘Pillar To Post’
  15. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre/Right: Erika Scott ‘Individual Medley’
  1. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Bottom Left: Paul Bai installing ‘On Top Of The World’
  2. Background: Erika Scott ‘Pimp Your Door Eye Peep Spy Hole Decoration no.4’, Left: Social Shot @ ‘Nature Strip’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still
  3. Background: Social Photo @ Social Ghosts, Top/Left: Soylent Green Film Still, Right: Erika Scott ‘Light Dispenser no.8 (Pleasure Apocalypse)’
  4. Background: Erika Scott ‘The Plumber’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still, Right: Erika Scott ‘Prevention Disco’
  5. Background: Paul Wrigley ‘Untitled’
  6. Background/Left: Erika Scott ‘Drone Jewellery Box’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still, Right: Nicholete Brocchi ‘Portrait of a child’
  7. Background/Left: Hermann Schraut ‘Dronarium Suspense’, Background/Right: Tiana Jefferies ‘between a molecule and a leisurely swim’, Centre: Christopher Cipollone ‘Shit On Brisbane And Then Leave’
  8. Background: Judy-Ann Moule performing ‘Not Declared’ & Susan Hawkins ‘Antenna’, Right: Soylent Green Film Still, Bottom/Right: Callum Galletly ‘Well well’
  9. Background: Erika Scott ‘Echolalia Song’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre/Right: Walter Stahl ‘Croqland Psycho-Topographical’
  10. Background: Walter Stahl ‘Croqland Psycho-Topographical’, Centre/Left: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre/Right: Social Photo @ Nature Strip
  11. Background: Julie Pitts ‘Lament’, Left: Social Ghosts Poster and Soylent Green Film Still
  12. Background: Social Photo @ ‘A Quarter To Half Past’, Top/Right: Soylent Green Film Still
  13. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Bottom/Left: Walter Stahl ‘Croqland Psycho-Topographical’, Top/Right: Nicholete Brocchi ‘Portrait of a child’
  14. Top: Soylent Green Film Still, Bottom: Paul Andrew ‘Contagion Wunderkammar feat. Axis Art Projects – BNE – NYC – 1988-2017 – Memento Vivere #1 (East Village People Remix) (detail), Right: Paul Bai/Archie Moore collaboration ‘Under The Same Sky’
  15. Background/Left: Soylent Green Film Still, Background/Right: Walter Stahl ‘Croqland Psycho-Topographical’, Top Left: Christopher Cipollone ‘QCA Painters’
  1. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre/Left: Erika Scott ‘Echolalia Song’, Centre: Archie Moore ‘Between Me And You’, Right: Rhiannon Dionysius ‘Chain-Linked Vessels’
  2. Background: Lu Forsberg ‘Introduction’, Centre: Sandra Selig ‘body’, Centre/Right: Soylent Green Film Still
  3. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Top/Left: Social Ghosts feat. Susan Hawkins ‘Antenna’ and Sarah Poulgrain ‘Friend In Hand’, Right: Paul Wrigley ‘Untitled’
  4. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Left: Erika Scott ‘Echolalia Song’, Right: Sarah Poulgrain ‘Friend In Hand’
  5. Background: Erika Scott ‘Prevention Disco’, Right: Soylent Green Film Still
  6. Background: Christopher Cipollone ‘Shit On Brisbane And Then Leave’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still, Right: Erika Scott ‘Disappear Dear Seersucker’
  7. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Right/Large: Erika Scott ‘Drone Jewellery Box’, Centre/Right: Hermann Schraut ‘Dronarium Suspense’
  8. Background/Left: Archie Moore ‘Between Me And You’, Background/Right: Rhiannon Dionysius ‘Chain-Linked Vessels’, Centre/Bottom: Soylent Green Film Still
  9. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Left: Christopher Cipollone ‘Brisbane Is Low Stakes’, Right: Jeanelle Hurst ‘Our Happy Place’
  10. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre/Left: Callum Galletly ‘Well well’, Top: Erika Scott ‘Prevention Disco’
  11. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Right: Social Shot Goon Plinth
  12. Background: Sandra Selig ‘body’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still, Centre/Right: Archie Moore/Paul Bai collaboration ‘Under The Same Sky’
  13. Background: Gareth Donnelly ‘6 easy pieces’, Centre: Soylent Green Film Still
  14. Background: Soylent Green Film Still, Left/Large: Erika Scott ‘The Insects Harp’, Right/Large: Lu Forsberg ‘Introduction’, Bottom/Left: Erika Scott ‘Drone Jewellery Box’,
  15. Background: Christopher Cipollone ‘Prescriptive Phallic Work’, Top/Right: Soylent Green Film Still, Bottom/Right: Jeanelle Hurst ‘Our Happy Place’
  16. Background: Rebecca Ross ‘Infinity’, Right/Top&Bottom: Gareth Donnelly ‘ 6 easy pieces’
  17. Soylent Poster Gallery
  18. Soylent Poster Gallery continues
  19. Background: Hermann Schraut ‘Dronarium Suspense’ with collage of Soylent Mind Maps
  20. Soylent Poster Gallery
  21. Floorplan
  22. Pink Index
  23. Pink Index
  24. Pink Index
  25. Online Networking with Erika Scott via artist website

(Re) Presenting DIY ZINE #1 – Online Engagement

An Apocalyptic Pin-Up – A Soylent Spot and ARI Remix DIY Zine Collaboration 2020

March  –  May 2020 – Covid-19 Creative Contagion Online
GIANT PDF_compressed