Sticky Institute
We are ardent defenders of zine culture.
Sticky Institute is a shop and resource devoted entirely to zines. We sell zines on behalf of zinemakers, and since opening in 2001 have stocked over 12,000 zine titles.
We have space to create and copy zines. Zinemakers are welcome to use the photocopier, long-armed staplers, typewriters and other resources provided.
Sticky also runs and curates the annual zine celebration Festival Of The Photocopier, which includes the largest zine fair in Australia, held at Melbourne Town Hall.
In 2013 Sticky celebrated stocking its 10,000th zine title (Love Like Pop #10 by Rachael K), while 2015 marked the millionth photocopy taking place in-store.
Sticky acknowledges that its premises is on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, and that Indigenous sovereignty has never been ceded.
Sticky is a 100% volunteer-run space.
Since 2001
Degraves Street Subway, Melbourne (Under Flinders Station)
Ardent defenders of zine culture, long armed staplers and DIY ethic.