October 4, 2021 In ARI Remix, OPEN MAIL ART & FEMAIL ART | A growing artistic movement in Brisbane in the 1970s and 1980s | by artist Gary Warner MAIL ART & FEMAIL ART | A growing artistic movement in Brisbane in the 1970s and 1980s | by artist Gary Warner ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInPinterest 0
February 3, 2020 In ARI Remix, Artists, GLOBAL 1970-1980, GLOBAL 1980-1990, GLOBAL 1990-2000, GLOBAL 2000-NOW, OPEN, QLD Regional 1970-1980, QLD Regional 1980-1990, QLD Regional 1990-2000, QLD Regional 2000-NOW, The Ephemera Interviews ARI Remix Art Zine Series | ARI REMIX issue 1 | the scene issue | https://issuu.com/ari-remix/docs/ari-remix-issue-1-the-scene-issuu Art Zine | ARI REMIX issue 1 the scene 2016 - https://issuu.com/ari-remix/docs/ari-remix-issue-1-the-scene-issuu ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInPinterest 0