TRANCEPLANT | Omniscient Collective | Brisbane Powerhouse in Ruins 1994 | A Memory by Artist Meagan Mendels
Brisbane Powerhouse
1994 In the then disused New Farm Power House Brisbane – local artist collective Omniscient presented TRANCEPLANT – a large scale experimental performance & installation theatre event culminating in a ten night season of up to one hundred performers per night.
Guy Mansfield, 2011
Email Memory from Artist Meagan Mendels
Hi Paul, I’m Meagan. I’ve been encouraged to contact you as I have some black and white photos that I took at the TRANCEPLANT event back when the Powerhouse was a ruin. My son is studying Creative Industries and showed these photos to his teacher who suggested you would be interested to see them.
In 1994 I was a photography student. Jay Younger was my lecturer and brought me and a few others along to document it. I might have photographed you! Not all of the photos are great, some with some dust and underexposed but I thought you would like to see them all anyway.
I hope they evoke some nice memories too.
Related Links
Trance Plant
Documentation by Artist and Film Producer Guy Mansfield
Brisbane in ’94