Cultural Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the ARI Remix Project contains images, voices or names of deceased persons in websites, photographs, film, audio recordings or printed materials.

Stage One of the ARI REMIX Project – – is currently in development – March 2015 – December 2016

(Above: ARI Remix – Digital Ephemera Archive: Pride, NYC, Axis Art Projects, 1988 PHOTO: Paul ANDREW)

The ARI Remix Collective gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Arts Queensland and the Australia Council in seeding the collaborative research, development, design and production of Stage One of The ARI Remix Project – The Queensland ARI Remix 1980-1990 –  in development now, “live, flawed and performative” online and until December 28, 2016.

About Us – At A Glance

ARI Remix Collective, Concept and Project Co-ordinator: Paul Andrew

Web and Information Design Mentors: Joanna Kambourian and Linda Dement

Web and Information Design Mentee:  Paul Andrew

ARI Remix News : Consultant: Paul Andrew, Editors Brian Doherty & Jane Richens

Consultants and Contributors: ARI Remix Collective – 1980-1990 Queensland born or Queensland based artists


This is a moderated public archive, oral history and digital heritage site mapping the unmapped stories, images, ephemera, artworks and testimonies of the 1990-2000 Australian Artist-Run Initiative (ARI) Sector.

Thanks for dropping by, stay posted……and if you would like to contribute and share an archival image, resource or third party hosted video/audio link to the Remix ARI archive or have a story to share about your active participation in the  1980-1990 Qld ARI sector please email us here: info[at]

You can also join the ARI  Collective at our social media research open group here:

1980-1990 Qld ARI Heritage Research and Study Open Group

The ARI Remix Collective

This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.

For information about the 2014 Arts Queensland funding recipients please visit this link

This project is also assisted by the Australia Council.


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