We Want YOU! Contribute to REMIX.ORG.AU
Welcome to the Remix.org.au archival website, I’m Jo (aka Ms Brown of Ms Browns Lounge!) and I’m collaborating with the Remix Crew in my capacity as an artist, information designer & web administrator.
This is a fantastic project and I am really enjoying the process, as along the way I am learning a lot about QLD’s amazing artist run heritage. I am so pleased to see this information being made available and documented in this archive.
We’ve been working on a PARTICIPATION section of the website, to make it easily accessible to our audience to collaborate, participate in and contribute to the site and add archival content directly online.
It is now all up and running and I’d like to take you through what you can now do on the REMIX.ORG.AU site…
Under PARTICIPATE you’ll find a few new drop down menus…Here’s how you can get involved!