YYZ – Artist-Run Research – Call for Submissions
decentre redux
Submission deadline: September 10, 2016
It’s been 8 years since the publication of YYZBOOK’s title decentre: concerning artist-run culture | à propos de centres d’artistes where we published 103 short responses to questions examining artist-run culture and its environment. We would like to hear your opinions again in preparation for a public talk organized in partnership with Onsite Gallery at OCAD University to happen this October.
You can answer any or all of these questions:
What interests you most about artist-run culture today in 2016?
What is the most innovative public programme, exhibition or event you have seen lately in an artist-run centre?
What is the greatest challenge facing artists today within the artist-run milieu?
How can artist-run centres better assist current artists’ practices?
What are the failings of artist-run centres?
What is your best experience in an artist-run centre (as an exhibiting artist, patron or cultural worker)? You don’t have to mention the name of the centre.
What is your worst experience in an artist-run centre (as an exhibiting artist, patron or cultural worker)? You don’t have to mention the name of the centre.
How can we reinvent/redefine artist-run centres?
Please send your responses, along with a very short bio and url of your personal website, if available, to publish@yyzartistsoutlet.org by September 10, 2016. Responses will inform the discussion and will be included in a future publication.