Cultural Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the ARI Remix Project contains images, voices or names of deceased persons in websites, photographs, film, audio recordings or printed materials.

Johnny G clubs Flares, Hades, Morticias and others 1983-2003 | A collective memory & ephemera of DJ Johnny G & Ian (Whittred) clubs Hades & Morticias.



A collective memory & ephemera of DJ Johnny G & Ian (Whittred) clubs Hades & Morticias. Plus John’s clubs Flares, Uptown Soul, Funkensteins, 100%, raves & warehouse parties. Also including the many bands he & Ian promoted from the early 80’s. See less


Additional information
DJ, music promoter, marathon runner, triathlete, surfer, original 60s mod Johnny G. Just on 40 years of DJing from at least 1980 thru to 2020 mostly in Brisbane, business owner and creator of underground clubs and collaborator on many events. Add your story. Please share to your networks….