Cultural Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the ARI Remix Project contains images, voices or names of deceased persons in websites, photographs, film, audio recordings or printed materials.

ARI Remix Proposed Stage Three OPEN CALL OUT – Social Memory Contributions – ARI INSIDER PERSPECTIVES MATTER – Queensland Artist-Run Culture & Heritage 1970 to Now

ARI Remix Stage Three in pre-development now, we support an expanded field of artist-run and related memory practices:

Thanks to everyone who has kindly contributed to the ARI Remix Project, a three stage project, during its development since March 2011.

Project One Stages One and Two are now completed. We are planning now for the third and potentially expanded final stage of this collective artist-run remixing and if you too have an artist-run social memory (1970 to Now) to write as a blog post richly illustrated with a few archival ephemera images to kindly share and discuss, here’s the thing;

Voluntary Contributions are always welcomed – have a look at the OPEN feature here for an insight about what to write as a blog post and contribute and email us at info[at] . Kindly allow up to three weeks for us to reply.

NB: All curated content artist collaborations for Stage Three a wee reminder the deadline is due by Friday May 24, 2019.

Some of the key themes planned for recovering and retrieving throughout Stage Three are:




  • Experimental art post 1970 –  social practice collaboration, collectivism, resistance, opposition, mail art, performance, photocopy art, zines,  artist books and audio art
  • Queer LGBTQIP+ artist-run culture, resistance and activism
  • Overlaps and intersections with ARIs, locally, nationally and internationally
  • Share Houses and Arts Venues – arguably share housing was the social media of the day pre-internet and today the overlaps with share houses and all ‘platforms’ of artmaking is continuing, these crossovers and cross fertile transgressions make the arts ecology biodioverse, alive and varied.

Thanks for your interest, care and support. I am truly grateful.


Warm regards,

Paul Andrew

Artist researcher, curator, ARI Remix Project co-ordinator


Social Media


Australian ARI Living Archives – Queensland Artist-Run Heritage 1970 to NOW

ARI Remix Project – Living Archives, Artist-Runs Past Present Future

Image Credit – Courtesy – Evelyn Hartogh Fan Page – 2009 25 April WONDER WOMAN Superhero Ball Top Floor Gallery
(curated by Natasha Kapper)