Cultural Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the ARI Remix Project contains images, voices or names of deceased persons in websites, photographs, film, audio recordings or printed materials.

OPEN CALL | FUTURE THINKING : DIY, ARIS & ALLIES | EXTRA ZINE Project 2 | Expressions of Interest EOIs by Monday 25 September 2023

Hello ARI colleague,

Happy Spring !

Artist Paul Andrew here. I hope all is swell for you. I am writing to you today to invite you to kindly participate in the next iteration of the ARI Remix project 2024-2026 which aims to include 35 new artist/allies/ARI zine contributions. The new project title is:

ARI REMIX PRESENTS ” FUTURE THINKING : DIY, ARIS & ALLIES – EXTRA ZINE Project 2 | Making A Difference in today’s Artist-Run Multiverse [1970 to NOW ] “

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE | Arts Queensland | Artists’ Letter of Support request

Building on the success of the ARI REMIX + EXTRA ZINE series of archival zines (2020-2023) I am aiming to grow and expand the project with 35 new memory zines. In this project the emphasis is on place-based making and meaning as ever and I am focused on international facing advocacy on Queensland artist run culture and heritage 1970 to Now.

The next iteration of the project is open-ended in nature, as per my ongoing accessibility and inclusivity approach. If you are interested in making a web ready archival memory zine [in a web ready PDF format]  – 600 words, 12 images with captions and credits about DIY, ARIs and ALLIES in SEQ/QLD a letter of support would be tremendous, I simply need an email reply to this invitation with a one page CV and BIO.

Just remember to include a brief ‘speculative’ sketch of what your ARI focused memory zines(s) may be about, and a brief who what where when and why etc. And if you have time maybe something pithy from your POV about why ARI Remix as a socially-engaged internet art work matters, and matters for you.

I need your email reply to submit with my application by MONDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2023. Email me at info[at]

If we receive funding in January 2024 the project will begin in February for a 2 year period. There is a $600 artist fee for each artist participant colleague. Co-authored and multi-authored zines are encouraged.

This is the ‘ARI zines as community archives’ anthology feature we are growing and expanding in the next, and perhaps final, iteration 🙂

Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement I am truly grateful!

BTW – My email out of office alert is on now while I complete the complex QUT doctoral work over the next month or three but I am checking ARI Remix emails each week now for the AQ app process 🙂

Have a beaut September!

Happy Spring ahoy,

Paul Andrew | he/him/they

Interdisciplinary Artist, DIY coordinator & artist facilitator of memory work

ARI Remix + EXTRA Zine [ARI Remix Project]

Celebrating 12 years of Collaborative Memory Work …give or take 42 very queer years (2011-2026)


Socials | FB Open Group | Australian ARI Living Archives – Social Media & Queensland Artist-Run Heritage 1970 to NOW

ARI Remix # ari_remix # EXTRA Zine #extra_zine