OPEN CALL | FUTURE THINKING : DIY, ARIS & ALLIES | EXTRA ZINE Project 2 | Expressions of Interest EOIs by Monday 25 September 2023
Hello ARI colleague,
Happy Spring !
Artist Paul Andrew here. I hope all is swell for you. I am writing to you today to invite you to kindly participate in the next iteration of the ARI Remix project 2024-2026 which aims to include 35 new artist/allies/ARI zine contributions. The new project title is:
ARI REMIX PRESENTS ” FUTURE THINKING : DIY, ARIS & ALLIES – EXTRA ZINE Project 2 | Making A Difference in today’s Artist-Run Multiverse [1970 to NOW ] “
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE | Arts Queensland | Artists’ Letter of Support request
Building on the success of the ARI REMIX + EXTRA ZINE series of archival zines (2020-2023) I am aiming to grow and expand the project with 35 new memory zines. In this project the emphasis is on place-based making and meaning as ever and I am focused on international facing advocacy on Queensland artist run culture and heritage 1970 to Now.
The next iteration of the project is open-ended in nature, as per my ongoing accessibility and inclusivity approach. If you are interested in making a web ready archival memory zine [in a web ready PDF format] – 600 words, 12 images with captions and credits about DIY, ARIs and ALLIES in SEQ/QLD a letter of support would be tremendous, I simply need an email reply to this invitation with a one page CV and BIO.
Just remember to include a brief ‘speculative’ sketch of what your ARI focused memory zines(s) may be about, and a brief who what where when and why etc. And if you have time maybe something pithy from your POV about why ARI Remix as a socially-engaged internet art work matters, and matters for you.
I need your email reply to submit with my application by MONDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2023. Email me at info[at]
If we receive funding in January 2024 the project will begin in February for a 2 year period. There is a $600 artist fee for each artist participant colleague. Co-authored and multi-authored zines are encouraged.
This is the ‘ARI zines as community archives’ anthology feature we are growing and expanding in the next, and perhaps final, iteration 🙂
Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement I am truly grateful!
BTW – My email out of office alert is on now while I complete the complex QUT doctoral work over the next month or three but I am checking ARI Remix emails each week now for the AQ app process 🙂
Have a beaut September!
Happy Spring ahoy,
Paul Andrew | he/him/they
Interdisciplinary Artist, DIY coordinator & artist facilitator of memory work
ARI Remix + EXTRA Zine [ARI Remix Project]
Celebrating 12 years of Collaborative Memory Work …give or take 42 very queer years (2011-2026)
ARI Remix # ari_remix # EXTRA Zine #extra_zine