Help Preserve ARI Remix Community Archives Project
ARI Remix artist and Project Coordinator Paul Andrew would like you to support Help Preserve ARI Remix Community Archives Project by making a donation and spreading the word.
DIY Creative Archiving for Artist-Run Initiatives Matters- Help Preserve the DIY ARI Remix Living Archives Collaboration into the future
Hi, I’m Paul Andrew, an ARI enthusiast and queer artist researcher with a long measure of experience in starting and running artist-run spaces…read more, share and donate here…
Frank Murray
on 23 April 2016, in Artists, OPEN
Frank Murray
on 23 April 2016, in Artists, OPEN
on 11 June 2015, in ARIs, QLD, QLD 1980-1990
on 11 June 2015, in ARIs, QLD, QLD 1980-1990