ARTWORKER | Queensland Artworkers Alliance Newsletter | Winter 1995
Mature Practitioners felt that the arts industry is both sexist and ageist and it was difficult to gain visibility let alone recognition after a certain point in one’s career.
Artworker, Queensland Artworkers Alliance Newsletter, BIG WIG & Charger: Women Artists Face the Arts Industry, Winter 1995, pp. 8-9 .
The Queensland Artworkers Alliance [QAA] was an essential artist and co-creatives advocacy, legal and moral rights lobby alliance formed in Brisbane in 1986. Unique to Brisbane Meeanjin/Queensland this membership driven professional alliance built out from important foundational work led by the Artworkers Union [Qld] and artist-run spaces in the 1982-1986 timeframe. QAA continued an important pluralising, democratising and solidarity effort in the Queensland/Australian arts and culture sector until 2011 when the organisation dissolved. Arguably, the vital contribution of QAA to the sector remains largely undervalued and underexamined.